Thursday, June 12, 2014

Confined revisited

I awoke this morning thinking about the verse
in Psalm 139 that speaks of being confined.
We can be physically hemmed in by illness or
prison. We can feel confined when we want
to go forward and our way is blocked. This
is a barrier to the soul and all of its desires.
Our spirit is never confined. Think about it.
God comes into our spirits and brings Life.
At the moment of salvation we are "delivered
from the kingdom of darkness and transferred
into the kingdom of God's beloved Son."
Our spirit is now outside of time and all its
constraints. It dwells in the eternals.

What is the point? The point is that when God
hems me in physically or emotionally, my spirit
is free to receive joy, peace, contentment. I can
choose to live out of my soul or out of my spirit.

Papa, I choose to praise You! I stand in awe of
your goodness to me no matter what the

Thankfulness Corner:
The water flooded corn field reflecting the sun

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