Thursday, January 11, 2018


You would have no power over me if it were not 
given from above. John 19:11

Nothing that is not part of God's will is allowed to 
come into the life of someone who trusts and obeys 
Him. This truth should be enough to make our life 
one of ceaseless thanksgiving and joy, because 
God 's will is the most hopeful, pleasant, and glor-
ious thing in the world. It is the continuous work--
ing of His omnipotent power for our benefit, with
nothing to prevent it, if, we remain surrendered
and believing. 

Someone who was passing through the deep water
of affliction wrote a friend:

"Isn't it glorious to know that no matter how unjust
something may be, even when it seems to have 
come from Satan himself, by the time it reaches us
it is God's will for us and will ultimately work for
our good?"

"And we know that all things God works for the 
good of those who love him." Rom 8:28

Think of what Christ said even as He was betrayed:
"Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given 
me?" John 18:11

We live fascinating lives if we are living in the center 
of God's will. All the attacks that Satan hurls at us 
through the sins of others are not only powerless to 
harm us but are transformed into blessings along the 
way.  Hannah Whitall Smith

Reader, this woman had so much sorrow in her life,
and yet she continued faithful to the God she believed.
I am sure that her emotions did not always match with
what she knew to be true, but she lived in victory. 

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