Monday, January 4, 2016

Pregnant with Possibilities

Happy New Year!

What an outrageously wonderful time in history to be
alive! The year 2016 is pregnant with possibilities. It
will be unlike any other year, of that I am certain. The
big question is what God purposes for us as we look
out on a blank calendar of the next twelve months.
Well, my calendar is not yet full. He has given me a
few things to do, but how am I to be? This is the time
of year when  people make resolutions, but which are
usually broken within the first 30 days...

What if God's purpose for us is to learn "to be" rather
than trying to change ourselves and those around us?
I have been thinking about what to do with the blog
and was under the impression that I could dive into a
scripture today and come up with something for you
as well as for me. I got the frame but not the picture
so I have nothing to share. Actually, I was hoping to
be able to type up a week's worth of blogs. Not going
to happen.

So, dear reader, ask God for scripture and how He
wants you to fill your time this year. You too may be

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