Friday, February 14, 2014

A Line in the Sand

Yesterday we left Daniel and his three friends
wondering how they could safely draw a line in the
sand. The four of them had an idea and sent Daniel
to the chief eunuch, Ashpenaz, so he could request
a change of food, so they would not be defiled.
Boy, that sounds pretty bold! God, the One true
God, who loves Daniel, gave Ashpenaz favor
and  compassion toward the request. The eunuch
only expressed concern that such a change might
endanger his own head if Daniel and his friends
showed signs of weakness. Daniel was given
wisdom on the spot: "Test your servants for ten
days on vegetables to eat and water to drink, and
then see how we compare to the youths who are
eating the king's food."
Wonder of wonders, Ashpenaz agreed!

So what was that all about? It was a standoff
between the God of Israel and the gods of
Babylon, who wanted the Jews to be defiled
before their God. The enemy knows how to sully
us, bring us down and make us ineffective. Daniel
stood firm in this test. He did not blink. So early
on these four men experienced sweet victory which
would hold them steady when the going would
really get tough!

What was the outcome? Well, dear reader, you
can either read the first chapter of Daniel or
check out the next blog!

Thankfulness corner:
New friendships forming. How I love my girl friends!

Read the stories:

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