Monday, September 28, 2015


I came across a verse today that leaves me a little
breathless. I am unsure just what it means or how
to unpack it. Col 2:10

"and you are complete in Him" NKJV
"and you have been filled in Him." ESV

According to the dictionary, complete means "to 
be filled, having no deficiency; perfect. That which 
is complete cannot be more or less so."

You have been filled, (past tense.) Fullness means:
The state of being filled so as to leave no part 
vacant, the state of abounding or being in great 
plenty. Abundance.

Verse 9 says, "For in Him the whole fullness of 
deity dwells bodily," followed by, "and you have 
been filled in Him..."(ESV)

Jesus is the fullness of deity and I have been filled in
Him. Does this statement contradict the verses above
or contradict the whole of scripture, the Gospel? I
cannot add to it by being good, or trying to please Him,
nor can I subtract from this fullness by messing up.
Where does that leave me?

It means I can no longer call myself broken, or a
sinner. My identity is in Him who has made me
complete--in Him. To think less of myself is not
walking in the truth. If I do not believe this word
then I will live defeated and empty--in the midst
of plenty.

Reader, is this not incomprehensible? Can you
wrap your mind around it? We are not asked to
understand it, but to believe it.

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