Friday, September 25, 2015


"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as 
some understand slowness. He is patient with 
you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone
to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)

"...the Christian must never lose sight of the fact that
he belongs to heaven, that he is inseparably linked
with an earth-rejected, heaven-accepted Christ--
that his life is hid with Christ in God--that it is his
holy privilege to be looking out, daily and hourly,
for the coming of his Lord. There is nothing to
hinder the realization of that blissful hope at any
moment. There is but one thing that causes the delay
--God's patience and His unwillingness for any to 
perish, rather, desiring all to come to repentance.
Such precious words for a lost and guilty world.

The salvation is ready to be revealed; and God is
ready to judge. There is nothing now to wait for but
the gathering in of the last elect one, and then--oh,
most blessed thought--out own dear and loving
Savior will come and receive us to Himself to be
with Him where He is, and to go no more out for ever."

Charles Henry Mackintosh (1820-1896) was one of the
early and most prolific Brethren writers and is still
widely read today.

Reader, now and again I dip into the past and come
up with a jewel. Be encouraged, "God is not slow
in keeping his promise..."

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