Thursday, April 2, 2015


'... that I might be made conformable unto his 

The Greek defines it as dying with Christ:
To become like i.e; to assimilate; to become
conformed unto, to receive the same form as.

So, I was crucified with Christ, but now I have
a choice as to whether or not I will walk it out.
It sounds like absolute surrender and unreserved
obedience--to Him.

Papa, This walk makes little sense when
viewed from most perspectives. To go down
is to go up; to lose is to gain; to yield instead
of fight. Lord, I have asked so often whether
to resist or surrender. We are definitely to
resist evil, but most of my life really has to
do with the surrender part.

Reader, do you see that you are not your
own for you were bought with a price?
Your Papa God wants you to lay down
your rights and expectations and let Him
be Life through you.

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