Monday, March 24, 2014

Another Turning

Or should I say churning?

Immediately after the discussion, the she took dog
for a walk. Nothing like a good walk at sunset to
get a proper perspective on life! When she returned
she wrote down the story and then laughed through
her tears as she read it to the he. Both of them studied
the problem together. It did appear impossible but
they were now on the same side of impossible. The
landlord, the he's cousin and a farmer, was called for
advice. The farmer agreed to come over the next
morning with a tape measure for a consultation. The
verdict: The bed is in! It will make it up the stairs and
then take half of the room, but it fits. One hundred
years ago the people slept on narrow beds. Their
unheated bedrooms were only used for sleeping and
the parents slept downstairs!

Dear reader, do you not see the loving hand of
Papa God? He brought us to the end of our own
resources; brought us back into a right relationship
with each other; then brought in a willing third party
who had the answer we needed. Yes, indeed, the
grandson will have a proper bed to sleep in and
this marriage has certainly been saved!

Thankfulness Corner:
Ridges of wax as candle cooled.


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