Thursday, March 27, 2014

Gut Wrenching Trials

"Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial
when it comes upon you to test you, as though
some strange thing were happening to you. But 
rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings,
that you may rejoice and be glad when his 
glory is revealed. (1Peter 4:12) the fiery trial when it comes upon you--
not if it comes upon you. Shadrach, Mechach
and Abednego were at a place of worship when
the sickening thought rose, "that fire is going
to be our fire." Daniel hardly had time to think
as he was jerked out of his room and moved
swiftly towards hungry lions. In both cases these
men had to go through the fire, but both times
God miraculously rescued them. Sometimes
we sense that we are headed for a trial but God
suddenly intervenes and we escape. Then there
are the trials where we escape through death
into the arms of our Beloved and an eternity
without any trials at all.

Dear readers, it is not a question of if we are
going to find ourselves looking down the throat
of trouble, it is a given. Why does our God allow
so much pain into our lives? Good question!

Thanksgiving Corner
Fog against the mountains at dawn.


Audrey said...

Hi Miss Jane! Remember me? I met you at your daughter's home at New Year's Eve......How have you been?

Unknown said...

Of course I remember you! Please drop me a line as I would love to hear from you.