Sunday, July 15, 2018

Commit to Him Your Plans

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans
will succeed. Proverbs 16:3

Seek entirely to depend on God for everything. Put
yourself and your work into His hands. When think-
ing of any new undertaking, ask, "Is this agreeable
to the mind of God? Is it for His glory?"

If it is not for His glory, it is not for our good, and
you must have nothing to do with it. Mind that!
Having settled that a certain course is for the glory
of God, begin it in His name, and continue it to the

Undertake it in prayer and faith, and never give up!
Pray, pray, pray, pray! Do not regard iniquity in
your heart. If you do, the Lord will not hear you.
Keep that before you always. Then trust in God.
Depend on only God. Wait on Him. Believe on
Him. Expect great things from Him. Faint not if
the blessing tarries. Pray, pray, pray!

And, above all, rely only upon the merits of our
ever-adorable Lord and Savior, that, according to
His infinite merits, and not your own, the prayers
you offer and the work you do, will be accepted.
George Mueller  1805-1898--was active in the
Plymouth Brethren movement but most widely
known for his work in establishing orphanages
which were run totally on faith. He concluded
his last worldwide mission tour at the age of 87.

Reader, what a great encouragement to check in
with God about both going into something new
and  whether or not it is to continue. This man
had great faith. His bio is posted below. Wow!
So challenging...
Not what you might think.

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