Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Pause that Refreshes

So, what's in it for me? That seems to be the bottom line
for modern Christians! Biblical Meditation is a way
to connect with God through His language, His heart,
His Word. The Holy Spirit is eager to give all those
who take the time to search for HIM through His
Word, insights and understanding--and then there are
these specific promises:

Refreshment of spirit
Great fruitfulness
Success in the living, working routine of life

Psalm 1:3
(the one who meditates in God's Word) shall be
like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that
bringeth forth fruit in its season; his leaf also shall
not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

Reader, is it not worth 20 minutes of your day to sit
with pen and paper and your Bible open? Put away
your devotionals where someone else has heard
from God, and see what He will say to you personally.
I was introduced to the practice of Biblical Meditation
back in 1982. It has transformed my quiet times and
has brought forth fruitfulness in my life. It connects
me with the Vine from which all Life flows.
I continue to read large chunks of the Bible but the
practice of lingering is the pause that refreshes!

Suggestions for where to start:
Psalm 139; Psalm 23; Psalm 19; John 1; Ephesians 1;
Romans 5,6; 1 John 1-5; Revelations 1-3.

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