Thursday, August 25, 2016

Don't Pray?

'But the more they were oppressed, the more they 
multiplied and the more they spread abroad.' 
Exodus 1:12

An article in the Jerusalem Post caught my eye. One
Christian woman from the Middle East had this to say
regarding persecution:

'We are not afraid or worried that the persecution will
increase. We are just feeling that this is God's time.
God is working perfectly now in the Middle East.
Even with all these crazy stuff happening, God is really
working now. The persecution of their fellow members
of the faith only caused them to grow stronger. Don't
pray for the persecution to be stopped. 

But pray for the Christians there, for their boldness,
their faith, their encouragement, and that they can all
be witnesses for God's work and for God.'

Reader, does this not amaze you? The Chinese church
was also birthed out of persecution. When we traveled
overseas we met members of the persecuted church.
Their love, generosity, and faith in God truly surprised
and blessed us. But, please, pray for the suffering
church daily.

Go to 'Persecution' for more information

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