Monday, April 14, 2014

A Blood Moon

Tonight, sometime between midnight and 3AM,
depending on where you live, there will be a
total lunar eclipse lasting 78 minutes. Because of
the way the earth, moon and sun line up, the
moon will look dark red and it is called
"a blood moon." Tonight is the first of four such
moons coming six months apart and the set is
called a Tetrad, according to NASA.

April 15, 2014  Passover
October 8, 2014 The Feast of Tabernacles
April 4, 2015 Passover
September 28, 2015 The feast of trumpets

How common is a Tetrad? Well between 1600
and 1900, there was not a single one. In the
20th century there was a set in 1948, '49--the
time that modern Israel was born and a set
in 1967, '68--around the time Jerusalem came
under the authority of the Jews. (Three more
were seen making it a total of five.) The four
moons we are looking at over the next two
years, all occur around Jewish feasts. How can
this possibly be just a coincidence?

Genesis 1:14--"And God said, 'Let there be
lights in the expanse of the heavens, to separate
the day from the night. And let them be for
signs and appointed times...'"

What do I think that God is saying?

"Stay awake, for you do not know on what 
day your Lord is coming. Be ready, for the 
Son of Man is coming at an hour you do 
not expect." (Matthew 24:42,44.)

Thanksgiving Corner:
Daffodils and Tulips grace the rock garden.


Audrey said...

That's a very good point.....I'm thinking I will stay up and watch it, in Arizona it's supposed to be 12:07 AM.

Audrey said...

are you going to stay up and watch it Miss Jane?