Ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the
will of God, ye might receive the promise...
Hebrews 10:36
It was in a time of very severe trial that this Epistle was
addressed to the Hebrews. It had been a bitter disap-
pointment for them to see their nation rejected by God.
To have the temple, with its Divine ordinances of
circumcision and sacrifice, set aside, was a mystery to
many and a cause of great sorrow. In reproach and the
spoiling of their goods, they personally had to endure
the pain of persecution.
The Epistle was written to comfort them by revealing
the spiritual glory of Christ's priesthood and the salva-
tion He bestowed. And, it pointed them to the Father to
prove that suffering had always brought great reward.
The one thing they needed was patience in bearing
what God sent, and in waiting for what he had promised.
And in that time of patient waiting, they needed just one
thing--to do the will of their heavenly Father.
It was in the time of great suffering and trial that these
believers were to do the will of God. The first concern
of modern Christians in trouble is to be delivered.
However, the secret strength of the believer is to know
and do what God wants.
Men have lost sight of the supernatural light which
reveals the will of God in its beauty and attractive-
ness, and makes it a joy to do it. They are unaware
of the supernatural power which brings a life in the
will of God within our reach, because Christ's
strength is made perfect in weakness. Ask God, by
His Holy Spirit in the renewing of your mind--to show
you how He would have you live wholly in His will.
Learn how your abiding in Him and your oneness
with Him means nothing less than your being called
to do the will of God just as the Son did His Father's
Andrew Murray
Reader, I have sometimes skipped over the "God's will"
part because I really liked my independence. I am so
amazed at how many times Jesus refers to His Father's
will and how many times we find these words in the
Epistles. I cannot remember the last time I heard a
sermon on this subject. Perhaps the will of God was
essentially ignored in the last century. It appears that
God takes it very seriously.
will of God, ye might receive the promise...
Hebrews 10:36
It was in a time of very severe trial that this Epistle was
addressed to the Hebrews. It had been a bitter disap-
pointment for them to see their nation rejected by God.
To have the temple, with its Divine ordinances of
circumcision and sacrifice, set aside, was a mystery to
many and a cause of great sorrow. In reproach and the
spoiling of their goods, they personally had to endure
the pain of persecution.
The Epistle was written to comfort them by revealing
the spiritual glory of Christ's priesthood and the salva-
tion He bestowed. And, it pointed them to the Father to
prove that suffering had always brought great reward.
The one thing they needed was patience in bearing
what God sent, and in waiting for what he had promised.
And in that time of patient waiting, they needed just one
thing--to do the will of their heavenly Father.
It was in the time of great suffering and trial that these
believers were to do the will of God. The first concern
of modern Christians in trouble is to be delivered.
However, the secret strength of the believer is to know
and do what God wants.
Men have lost sight of the supernatural light which
reveals the will of God in its beauty and attractive-
ness, and makes it a joy to do it. They are unaware
of the supernatural power which brings a life in the
will of God within our reach, because Christ's
strength is made perfect in weakness. Ask God, by
His Holy Spirit in the renewing of your mind--to show
you how He would have you live wholly in His will.
Learn how your abiding in Him and your oneness
with Him means nothing less than your being called
to do the will of God just as the Son did His Father's
Andrew Murray
Reader, I have sometimes skipped over the "God's will"
part because I really liked my independence. I am so
amazed at how many times Jesus refers to His Father's
will and how many times we find these words in the
Epistles. I cannot remember the last time I heard a
sermon on this subject. Perhaps the will of God was
essentially ignored in the last century. It appears that
God takes it very seriously.
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