Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Empty Manger

The 15th chapter of First Corinthians begins with the
Gospel and ends with the demise of death. In between
Paul concentrates on resurrection. The words 'raised'
and 'resurrection' are found in nineteen verses but
implied in almost all of the verses--58 verses in all.

So, you ask, why are you talking about resurrection?
Two reasons. I just finished reading 1Corinthians 15,
and secondly, because of a discovery last Sunday. I
was admiring the Nativity scene on a table at church.
Such rich colors. All the pieces were turned toward
the manger in an attitude of worship. But wait, the
manger was empty, baby Jesus was missing! As I
stood there pondering all the worship without the
presence of the babe, some scripture floated through
my mind. 'He is not here for He has risen,' and
'why are you looking for the living among the dead?'

How true! When Paul preached he rarely mentioned
the birth of Jesus but usually went to the crucifixion
and then camped on resurrection. Skim through the
Epistles and see what you find.

So, reader, as you come to the manger this season,
continue on to the life giving resurrection of our
living Lord!

'He is not here, He has risen!'

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