Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Secret of the Lord

The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.
Psalm 25:14

There are certain secrets of God's providence He allows
His children to learn. Often, however, at least on the
surface, His dealings with them appear to be harsh and
hidden. Yet faith lilts deeper and says, "This is God's
secret. You are looking on the outside, but I look deeper
and see the hidden meaning."

Remember, diamonds are found in the rough, and their
true value cannot be seen. And when  the tabernacle was
built in the wilderness, there was nothing ornate about
its outward appearance. In fact, the outer covering of 
the thick hides of sea cows gave no hint of the valuable
things inside.

Dear friend, God may send you some valuable gifts
wrapped in unattractive paper. But do not worry about
the wrappings,for you can be sure that inside He has
hidden treasures of love, kindness, and wisdom. If we
simply take what He sends and trust Him for the bles-
sings inside, we will learn the meaning of the secrets
of His providence, even in times of darkness.
A. B. Simpson  1844-1919

Reader, those rough diamonds will be unwrapped at the
coming of our King Jesus. We may not be able to see
anything of value, but our Lord does!

For those who have not read his bio, it is below:

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