Monday, May 14, 2018

Hidden In Him

For you died, and your life is now hidden with
Christ in God.  Colossians 3:3

The redeemed one who has been shown the truth of 
Christ's complete victory over Satan, and of his own 
complete identification with his victorious Lord, 
knows that he is in a place of safety.
He rests upon the fact that his life is hid with Christ 
in God; therefore the wicked one touches him not. 
He has but one thing to do--reckon upon the fact of 
his identification with his ascended Lord sitting in 
the calmness of assured victory. 
Mary McDonough

It is because our life is hid with Christ in God, that
it is beyond the reach of Satan. The enemy cannot
touch our life in its source, for the Father is its 
source and He cannot touch Him. He cannot touch
our life in its power, for the Holy Spirit is its power,
and He cannot touch the Spirit. He cannot touch 
our life in its duration, for eternity is its duration, 
and he cannot touch eternity. The child of God is 
eternally safe.  J E Conant

Reader, when He died, you died, when He was
buried, you were buried, when He rose, you rose
to new life. Your identity is no longer in what you
do or who you think you are, but your identity is
in Christ alone. (check out Romans 6)

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