Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares
for you. 1 Peter 5:7
Have you one anxious thought you do not bring to
Jesus? Have you one care you consider too light,
too small, to lay before Him? It is then too small
to give you one moment's concern. Either cast your
care (great or small) upon Him that cares for you,
or cast it away from you altogether: If it be unfit
for His sympathy it is unworthy of you.
If we examine the troubles of God's children, we
shall find that too many of them arise from unbe-
living fears concerning the future; let me but re-
member that Christ, at the right hand of God,
counts all my troubles His own; and then banish
all my fears concerning tomorrow!
Robert Chapman
You ought to begin your day with this confidence,
that you have enough in Christ to meet every dif-
faculty that may befall you. JB Stoney
One finds constantly that ninety percent of our trials
and sorrows are made up of anticipated or imagin-
ary evils, which only exist in our disordered, unbe-
lieving minds. Food for the Desert
Reader, I imagine much of our anxiety is because
we do not believe, really believe, that God likes us,
let alone loves us!
Be still and know--that I am God.
Reader, we so often think that God is distant and
uninvolved in our lives. Not so!
for you. 1 Peter 5:7
Have you one anxious thought you do not bring to
Jesus? Have you one care you consider too light,
too small, to lay before Him? It is then too small
to give you one moment's concern. Either cast your
care (great or small) upon Him that cares for you,
or cast it away from you altogether: If it be unfit
for His sympathy it is unworthy of you.
If we examine the troubles of God's children, we
shall find that too many of them arise from unbe-
living fears concerning the future; let me but re-
member that Christ, at the right hand of God,
counts all my troubles His own; and then banish
all my fears concerning tomorrow!
Robert Chapman
You ought to begin your day with this confidence,
that you have enough in Christ to meet every dif-
faculty that may befall you. JB Stoney
One finds constantly that ninety percent of our trials
and sorrows are made up of anticipated or imagin-
ary evils, which only exist in our disordered, unbe-
lieving minds. Food for the Desert
Reader, I imagine much of our anxiety is because
we do not believe, really believe, that God likes us,
let alone loves us!
Be still and know--that I am God.
Reader, we so often think that God is distant and
uninvolved in our lives. Not so!
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