Monday, July 18, 2016

Nothing of the Old

'If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; 
old things have passed away; behold, all 
things have become new.' 
2 Corinthians 5:17

'God pays no respect to anything we bring to
Him. There is only one thing God wants of 
us, and that is our unconditional surrender.'

Reader, it takes a life time, it seems, to grasp
the wonderful truth of yourself as a new
creation! Most of us do the behavior check
and our hearts plummet at how turkeyish we
still are. We see only our flesh instead of the
new heart and Life that God has poured into
us. Truly, it is as I surrender to Him instead
of resisting the things that come into my life,
that I find I can soar. I have a new heart; I am
a new man. The old man was crucified with
Jesus. The turkey died; I am an eagle.
Are you?

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