Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Deep Fellowship

I was a Christian for a very long time before I began
to understand some very puzzling scriptures:

'Knowing this, that our old man is crucified.'
Romans 6:6

'God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of 
our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is 
crucified unto me, and I unto the world.' Gal 6:14.

These scriptures speak of something that has been
done in Christ, and I enter into His work on the
cross by faith.

'If I am crucified and dead with Him, then I am a 
partner in His Life and Victory.' (Andrew Murray)

There is one big problem and that is our flesh. God
has left it alive so that we must depend on Him for
the victory. This comes by recognizing that 'no good
thing dwells in my flesh.'  God does not want to save
the flesh; He wants to kill it! The cross has the
power; the victory is in the resurrection. Our part is
to surrender.

Reader, I know that this message goes against my
grain, against the grain of the world, and against
most of church teaching today. To surrender to His
sovereign will moment by moment allows the cross
to work deeply into me. It is painful. I find myself
going to my Dad over and over in some of the more
difficult things,
--not my will, but Thy will --
however, abiding in Him in this way leads to life,
joy, and deep fellowship with Him that goes beyond
just having a 'quiet time.'

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