Friday, February 26, 2016

Shout 'Victory!'

Here is a verse that we tend to skip over because it does
not seem to reflect our lives!
'....for everyone born of God has overcome the world.
This is the victory that has overcome the world, even
our faith.   (1 John 5:4)

Below are quotes from two saints. Really good!

Charles G Trumbull (1872-1941) wrote this:
The secret of complete victory is faith: simply believing 
that Jesus has done and is doing it all. Victory is entered 
upon by a single act of faith, as is salvation. Victory is 
maintained by the attitude of faith.

But suppose the believer, having experienced the
miracle of victory over sin through trusting his Lord's
sufficiency, comes, somehow, to doubt that sufficiency?
At once victory is broken, and he fails. This is possible
at any moment. And, at once, if there should be failure
through unbelief, comes a real peril.

The lie of Satan is whispered in the ear, 'You have
sinned; and that proves that you never had the blessing
you thought you had: you never had the Victorious Life.'
This is a lie, of course, as are most of Satan;s attacks.
They used to say at the Keswick conferences, 'If you
should fail, shout Victory!' Not with any idea of
denying the reality of the failure, but in recognition
of the fact that Jesus has not failed, and that there may
be instantaneous and complete restoration through
faith in His unimpaired sufficiency.

Edward Dennett (1831-1914) penned this:
'There are seasons when many believers feel as if they
can not get into the presence, or obtain the ear of God...
Surely it would prove an antidote to Satan's
temptations at such times to remember, that if we 
cannot pray ourselves, Christ never fails to bear us 
up in His prevailing intercession.

The effect of this truth should be to dispel our gloom
and coldness of heart, because we would be led to look
away from ourselves, expecting all from Him and His
continual ministry for us before the throne of God.'

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