Thursday, August 28, 2014


A friend attempted to post a comment but was
unsuccessful. She sees a disconnect between our
glorious Lord and the slaughter of the innocents
overseas. Well, here we are in Hebrews and
bang up against the issues of suffering and death.

Continuing from yesterday's verse:

'For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom
all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory,
should make the founder of their salvation perfect
through suffering.'

Can you think of one god out there that takes
into himself suffering, our suffering. I cannot.
I wonder if the phrase, 'made perfect through
suffering,' has to do with his identification of
us, for in the next verse the writer says, 'that
is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers.'

Dearest suffering reader, your God entered into
the suffering of being human. He is not aloof
from the intense pain of the wanton slaughter
experienced by people just like you. Take heart.
Lift your eyes toward your Lord.

Beautiful Beyond Description

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