Thursday, January 30, 2014

No Condemnation

Christ has become our redemption.
Christ has become my redemption.

My Papa God sees me in Christ. The blood of Jesus
has removed my sin-record. Christ has satisfied God's
righteous requirement because Christ bore sin's
punishment on my behalf, on your behalf.

Do you hear this? I can never go before God and
moan, "I am such a sinner, an insignificant failure,
such a low life." The truth is that I have been washed
in the blood of the Lamb. I am a redeemed Saint.
Yes, I mess up, make poor choices but that does not
change my identity before God. Jesus had one big
complaint toward the Pharisees, that they neither
understood God's character, or believed in His power.
We live out our Christian life according to what we
believe about God and ourselves. If I see God angry
at this poor sinner, I will act the same scene out
every day. There will be no victory as I try to change
and live up to His expectations.


Dear reader, there is still more to come...

Thankful Corner:
For this study. It is changing me!

See Stories:

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