Thursday, February 15, 2018

My Eyes Have Seen You

My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. 
Job 42:5

Do let us realize, dear friends, that there is a great difference
between knowing God by hearing and knowing Him by see-
ing. Job confessed that his knowledge of God in the past had
come by hearing; which is to say, that it had been indirect,
and informational in character and therefore not been inti-
mate, personal and experiential enough. It had been more
a mental than a spiritual knowledge. Such a knowledge is en-
tirely inadequate, since it puffs up a person instead of bring-
ing him low. Knowing God only by hearing makes one into
a somebody, but knowing Him by seeing reduces one to a no-
body. And this was trulyJob's experience. Through the Lord's
painful dealings, he has at last seen God.Through the Lord's
affliction he has come into a very close and personal encoun-
ter with Him. Stephen Kaung

Reader, I hit bottom when the stress in my life was so great
that the dormant Lyme disease became a game changer. I sat
in my recliner and re-read mysteries because my brain had
turned to mush. I did very little in the way of ministry for the
next five years. (But in that death like experience the website
and blog were birthed) During those years my faith went
from my brain and into my heart.
You can read my story here:
The Crucible of Lyme Disease

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