Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Can He Rescue You?

Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God whom you 
serve continually, been able to rescue you?  Daniel 6:20

We find the expression "the living God" many times in the Scrip-
tures, and yet it is the very thing we are so prone to forget. We 
know it is written "the living God," but in our daily life there is 
almost nothing we lose sight of as often as the fact that God is 
the living God. We forget that His is now exactly what He was 
three or four thousand years ago, that He has the same sovereign 
power, and that He extends the same gracious love toward those 
who love and serve Him. 

Be assured, if you walk with Him, look to Him, and expect help 
from Him, He will never fail you. As an older believer who has 
known the Lord for 44 years wrote: "God has never failed me. 
Even in my greatest difficulties, heaviest trials, and deepest po-
verty and need, He has never failed me. Because I was enabled 
by God's grace to trust Him, He has always come to my aid. I de-
light in speaking well of His name.
George Mueller

Reader, who else can say that they have a "living God?" None of
the other religions can point to a resurrected god, who continues
to live. Our Jesus is unique and above all other gods!
Billy Graham went home to be with Jesus after 99 years here on
earth. Only a moment really. But, he will spent eternity with his
family and friends in a place he already loved--heaven. His God
was/is a living God. I am so encouraged today by this fact: He is
a living God to me!

Teach us to number our days,
That we may gain a heart of
   wisdom. Ps 90:12

And let the beauty of the 
   Lord our God be upon us,
And establish the work of our
   hands for us;
Yes, establish the work of our
   hands. Ps 90:17

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