Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Life Happens

How easy it is to fall away from truth. Life happens
and I lose sight of the King, my King! I turn inward
and the scale hits bottom. Where is the One who is
my counterbalance when I need Him? I can't see Him,
or feel Him. I feel separated, disconnected. This
morning I have been pondering the first line of the
song. 'His steadfast love extends to the heavens.'
Heavens? Just how high is this love of His? Does it
go beyond our Galaxy? (Psalm 36)

Steadfast:  Firmly fixed, constant, resolute, not fickle
    not wavering.

The King's love does not waver, is not fickle, and is
firmly fixed regardless of how I feel about Him. It
has nothing to do with where my emotions are, even
when I feel ticked with Him. You see, He is the
counterbalance to my fickleness. His love is beyond
measure and is fixed, so I can turn to Him and fix my
eyes on truth and wait until my emotions catch up.

Reader, that is exactly what I am going to do right

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