Thursday, June 26, 2014

Warm Sand Falling

"How precious to me are your thoughts
           O God.
How vast is the sum of them!
If I would count them, they are more than
           the sand.
I awake and I am still with you.
(Ps. 139: 17,18)

Dear reader, you are not just one of the
crowd. The scripture is  not speaking of
group thoughts melding together into one.
His thoughts toward us are singular. Each
one of us is an individual worthy of
thought, no, thoughts. God goes out of
his way to let you know of the multiple
thoughts He has of you each day.

Long ago I sat on the beach at Pensacola.
The fine white sand stretched as far as the
eye could see. I scooped up a handful
and let it trickle out between my fingers.
Warm sand, sparkling as it fell. Count it
I could not; enjoy it I could. "If you could
count his thoughts toward you, they
would be more than the sand."

If our enemy understood us as God does, he
would use it to torment us. What a nightmare!
But no, this God is the One who sent His
only Son to die in our place. He covers us
with his feathers, shatters mountains on our
behalf, goes into battle to save us. David is
thrilled to awaken and find himself still with

Reader, are you thrilled by your God?

Thankfulness Corner:
Car glides to a stop. Door opens.  Family spills out!

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