Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Worthless, Empty, Meaningless

Paul spends 58 verses discussing the resurrection
in the 15th chapter of 1Corinthians. Handel used
some of it in The Messiah where the trumpet sounds
the coming of the Lord for His bride. How I loved the
sound of the trumpet at Carnegie Hall in NYC!

In the first couple of verses, Paul reminds the
church of the Gospel he preached to them by
which they were saved and then he encourages
them to hold fast to this word--"unless you
believed in vain."

VAIN: Something that is worthless, empty, having
no substance, fruitless, ineffectual.

Well, is our faith something that has no substance,
 that makes no difference, something empty and
meaningless? Is it rooted in imagination only, or
does it carry us through death into eternal life? 

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