Wednesday, August 10, 2016

My Heart Awakening Cries!

'Daily shall he be praised' 
Psalm 72:15

Are you in a frumpy mood? Good! Because I
have something to share with you today that
will put a song in your heart and wings on
your feet!

When morning gilds the skies,
My heart awakening cries,
'May Jesus Christ be praised!'
Alike at work and prayer
To Jesus I repair:
'May Jesus Christ be praised.!

Be this, when day is past,
Of all my thoughts the last,
'May Jesus Christ be praised!'
The night becomes the day,
When from the heart we say:
'May Jesus Christ be praised'

Does sadness fill my mind
A solace here I find,
'May Jesus Christ be praised!'
When evil thoughts molest,
With this I shield my breast,
'May Jesus Christ be praised!'

To God the Word, on high
The hosts of angels cry,
'May Jesus Christ be praised!'
Let mortals too upraise
Their voice in hymns of praise:
'May Jesus Christ be praised!'

Let earth's wide circle round
In joyful notes resound,
'May Jesus Christ be praised!
Let air and sea and sky,
From depth to height, reply,
'May Jesus Christ be praised!'

Be this, while life is mine,
My canticle divine,
'May Jesus Christ be praised!
Be this the eternal song
Through all the ages long,
'May Jesus Christ be praised!'
German, 19th Century

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