Monday, August 8, 2016

Be Transformed

How can we avoid being conformed to this world?
How can we be transformed?
How can we renew our minds?

These questions rolled around my mind after posting
the last verse in the last blog:

'Do not be conformed to this world,
but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what is that good, 
and acceptable
and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:1,2)

David says in Psalm one:
'Blessed is the man...whose delight is in the law of 
the Lord: and in his law does meditate day and night.'

Meditation is big in the church today, but the package
comes with an empty mind waiting for someone to fill 
it. That 'someone' is not necessarily our God. No 
David is very specific on what to meditate on and how 
often. Biblical Meditation comes, first of all, with a
delight in God's Word. It is a pleasurable thing to do,
not an ought! It is letting a small portion of scripture--
a verse, a line, fill your thoughts throughout the day.
I read the Bible in basically two ways. I read it in 
large junks, but if something grabs me, I go back to
it and ponder. I have done chapters and even books
one or two verses at a time. For me it is important to
get my thoughts down on paper, read it over, add to it,
 then take the things I'm learning and bring it to mind 
during the day.

Reader, there are huge benefits to taking the time to
wallow in a verse of scripture. That is where I'm
going tomorrow...

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