Tuesday, April 22, 2014


There are two beautiful women called Mary
featured in the Gospels and I love them both.
But I want to focus on Mary Magdalene.
There is a scene in John 20:11-18 that calls
up all kinds of emotions for me. Let me set
the stage for you. Mary Magdalene had such
a checkered life--before she met Jesus. But after
their encounter we find Mary in a variety of

Sitting at the feet of Jesus
Falling down at His feet in anguish
Anointing His feet
Standing at the cross to watch Him die
Sitting near the Tomb as it is sealed

I see her leaving the tomb as she walks through
the slimy pit called death. No hope that she will
ever, ever see her beloved again. Mary is so
deep in grief on the first day of the week, that
she fails to be moved by the two angels who
sit where the body once lay. She does not
recognize the voice of her Lord--until, until
He calls her by name. "Mary." Suddenly her
upside down world is right side up! In a single
moment everything changes.

Dear reader, Jesus knows my name! Jesus
knows your name! We are not part of a bunch,
overlooked until we do something great for
God. Mary had nothing to give to Jesus but
her time. Do you realize that Jesus by-passed
his men and first revealed himself to a woman
with a broken heart? This encounter with
Jesus, moves me every time I read the story.

Thankfulness Corner:
The sound of thunder on a rainy day



Audrey said...

I've never thought of it quite that way before!

Jane said...

What way had you thought about?

Audrey said...

I never thought about WHY Jesus appeared to Mary before His disciples.