Wednesday, September 25, 2013

To Dwell Safely

I have set the Lord continually before me; 
because he is at my right hand,
I will not be moved.
Therefore, my heart is glad,
and my glory (my inner self) rejoices;
my body too shall rest and confidently
dwell in safety. (Psalm 16:8,9)

Last week there were three attacks in various parts
of the world. The attack on the Naval Yard in
Washington DC;  the attack on the Mall in
Nairobi, Kenya which is still going on as I write
this; the attack on the church in Pakistan where
at least 68 men, women and children were blown
to pieces. Oddly enough, I know people who were
affected by these events in each country. My first
inclination was to skip this verse. But, as I looked
more carefully I realized that these verses are
prophetic. (They are marked this way in my Bible.)
They speak of Jesus. Actually, Jesus is speaking
from the invisible realm before his time on earth.
God dwells outside of time. He is always at the
beginning and the end of time and in all of the
in-betweens. If our Savior can say these words as
He watches Himself suffer and die, then I know that
my life my suffering is not in vain.There is hope for me,
for you, in the midst of chaos, death and uncertainty.
Ponder these verses. What an awesome God we have!

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