Tuesday, November 7, 2017

What Christianity?

Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but
alive to God in Christ Jesus. Romans 6:11

Is your kind of Christianity worth sending to the non-
Christian world?

I was a boy of thirteen when I first made a public con-
fession of Jesus Christ as my Savior; but it was not un
til twenty five years later that I knew that Jesus offered 
to anyone the power to have victory over sin. I was 
paralyzed by thinking that I must share in doing what 
only God can do. You see, Jesus makes two offers to 
everyone. He offers to set us free from the penalty of 
our sin. And He offers to set us free from the power of 
our sin. Both of these offers are made on the exact 
same terms: we can accept them only by letting Him 
do it all.

Every Christian has accepted the first offer. Many Chris-
tians have not accepted the second one. They mistakenly
think, as I did, that they must have some part in over-
coming the power of their sin; that their efforts, their 
will, their determination, strengthened and helped by 
the power of Christ, is the way to victory. As long as 
they mistakenly believe this they are doomed to defeat.

How did you accept Christ's offer of freedom from the
penalty of your sins? You took it as an outright gift. By
faith you let Him do it all. Will you not accept His offer 
of immediate and complete freedom from the power of 
your known sins, on the same terms, and do it now? 
This is just as much a miracle as the miracle of regener-
ation. And it is just as exclusively the Lord's work.

This is Christ's offer to us now and here--freedom im-
mediately and completely from all the power of known
sin. Listen to Romans 8:2: 'The law of the Spirit of life
in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and
death.' Are you rejoicing in Christ as your victory in 
this miraculous way? I am not speaking of sinless per-
fection. No. This miracle is sustained and continued in 
our life only by our continuing, moment by moment 
faith in our Savior for his moment-by-moment victory
over the power of sin. But He Himself will give us that
faith, and will continue that faith in us moment by mo-
ment. Charles G Trumbull

Reader, I did not hear about the victory over sins until
very recently. Trumbull is not the only writer on this
subject and when one studies Romans 6-8, and then
applies it ones self, it becomes obvious that Christ did
more than die for our sins, He has made a way for us,
enables us, to avoid sinning.
'"Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit" says 
the Lord.'

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