Friday, August 3, 2018

He Shall Be Satisfied

He shall see the travail of his soul, and shall be
satisfied...  Isaiah 53:11

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ." We are blessed in God, but do we realize
how blessed God is in us? We scarcely understand
the surface meaning of such words, to say nothing
of their hidden depths. A blessed people with a
blessed God! Not one of us is going to be disap-
pointed. A thousandth part has not been told. We
shall be satisfied; and shall Christ be dissatisfied
concerning us? "He shall see the travail of His
soul, and shall be satisfied."
Henry Groves 1818-1890

The Christian ought to be the most dignified person
in the world. We do not think half enough of our-
selves as we are before God.
Edward Dennett 1831-1914--I had trouble finding
much on him, but he has such wonderful pithy

Reader, Matthew Henry has written: The saints are
God's jewels, highly esteemed by and dear to Him;
they are a royal diadem in His hand. We tend to
demean ourselves as we look at the flesh, but God
looks through the fluff and is satisfied.

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