Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Last or First?

But many who are first will be last, and many who
are last will be first.  Matthew 19:30

We need God's power to be little.
John Darby--1800-1882

Darby was a both prolific writer and teacher and 
was a leader among the Plymouth Brethren. His 
influence on subjects such as the deeper life and
Bible prophecy have influenced millions of

Reader, how often do I want to look around the
screen--so to speak-- to see how I am doing?
Don't we all want to be great in the eyes of God?
How about impressing the herd? Yuk--but it is
indeed true.

I looked at several biographies and chose this
one for those who want to look deeper. I read
a book that highlighted a three year period in
Darby's life when he was sick and in that time
he studied the Bible extensively. All of the bio's
emphasize that he was the first person to teach
a pre-tribulation rapture, but if you go back into
the first two hundred years, you find that the
church fathers preached and wrote about the Jews
returning to the land, a rapture, the rebuilding of
the temple, the anti-christ, the Second Coming
and the Millennium. Darby did not invent these
things. He found them in his study of the Bible.
What was there all along was revealed to him.
(By the way, Darby wrote down these findings
three years before he met a woman named Mc-
Donald, who, it turns out, did not even believe in
a Rapture. She is credited with influencing Darby
in this regard.)


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