Thursday, October 13, 2016

Work for God

"We cannot take up work for Christ--plan, scheme,
devise, organize or enter upon Christian service--
and so command God's blessing. We cannot pray as 
we desire, even though these prayers contain passion 
and tears, in order to secure the Divine response. 
Failure to recognize this is bringing multitudes into 
despair because of no blessing upon their ardent 
labor and no answers to their prayers."

'We must know in our spirit just what Christ is 
doing, how He is doing it. Moreover, our prayers 
must be the prayers of Christ Himself prayed in us 
and through us by the Holy Spirit." 

From where came Christ's power?

"I came out from God." Jn 7:29
"What he seeth the Father doing...
     these the son also doeth.' Jn 15:19)
"The works of my Father" Jn 5:36
"I speak not of myself."

"The first believers knew what it meant to be 
baptized 'in one spirit"...into one Body of which 
Christ is the head...They had no independent 
action, no self laid plans, no schemes or 
undertakings which were the product of their 
own thought, reasoning, devising--even though 
it were "for Christ" or "for the kingdom or in 
His Name."  T Austin-Sparks from In Christ

Well, reader, in this 21st century of nonstop
busyness, we may be missing something. We
relax in front of the TV, but when do we set
time aside to read and listen to what God is

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