Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Jesus, Made Himself NOTHING

The suffering of Jesus as a child has taken me to 
the book of Philippians, the second chapter:

“...Jesus Christ, who, though he was in the form of God, 
did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but 
made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, 
being born in the likeness of men.”

Jesus, unlike Satan who lusted after the throne of God, 
turned his back on being equal with God, made Himself 
NOTHING and became a servant, a man. What other god 
has ever given up his throne, or stepped down from being 
number one? Has there ever been a god who has served the least 
without requiring anything first? 

Hear Paul’s anguished cry from the fourth chapter of Galations, 
verse 19:

I pray that “Christ would be formed in you!”

That has become my prayer for this year. I cannot emulate Jesus. 
I don’t even want to! But, deep inside I want to live my life as one 
conformed to the One who came as a Servant Man. God sees our 
hearts, not just the prayers we speak with our mouths. He answers 
our heart prayers, unspoken and hidden, even from us.

Dear Reader, what is your heart’s desire for this year?

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