Thursday, August 8, 2013

His Martha

Luke 10:38-40 is a familiar passage. Jesus and his
disciples have been on the road and they stop at
Martha's house where the conversation and food
is always good. Martha welcomes Jesus, then she
goes into the kitchen to make a favorite meal while
Mary stays behind to listen. Martha is a marvelous
hostess! Nothing wrong there until her expectations
kick in and her anger rises. She blurts out:

"I am drowning in all this work and Mary is loitering.
Tell her to come help me!" (My paraphrase)

Jesus tells His Martha--he loves her so much--
that only one thing is really necessary in life. Mary
expresses the heart of David as she sits at the feet of
Jesus and gazes into his face.
Mary is hungry.

I want to be like Mary and David, but I have to confess
that often Martha takes center stage. It is hard for me to
be at rest when so much needs to be done, and then
there are the weeks, like the past seven days, when all
sorts of things pop up, consuming both time and energy.
Even in the times of seeming failure, I am still His
dearest and He is still my Life!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I get that, when people though are impaired, damaged, toxic or unable to recover from an event, it is still an effect and drain of energy.

Rightfully we protect.