Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Personal Cry

Read Ps 27:7-9 and see what David said, because I am
going to give you my interpretation of David's prayer:

"Hear me, God, as I cry out to You.
Answer me in a way that I can hear You.
I'm doing what You told me to do.
I am seeking You!
Where are You?
Are You angry with me?
Have You cast me away for some reason?"

David has gone from the impersonal third person to
the first person and his words are the words of a
desperate man, who is in a desperate place where
he feels alone and abandoned. I have read this psalm
many times but this is the fist time I have noticed that
the man is having a hard time and expressing it.
David has gone from a place of worship, a declaration
of who God is, to crying out as if he has no hope--
all in the space of a few verses!

Dear reader, do David's words mirror your heart cry
today? This is the normal Christian walk. You are in
good company.

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