Monday, January 23, 2012

The Mystery

The last blog was on suffering from Col 1:24-27.  Right in the midst of this passage comes the word, “mystery,” twice. Paul is rejoicing in the midst of his sufferings because of what the sufferings are tied to-- The Church, the Body of Christ. He says that the gospel he is proclaiming is something that “has been hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Saints.”  The hidden thing is a mystery or a secret.
“From eternity God had a secret (mystery) in His heart--a heart secret--for you see the secret is linked to the Son of His love. This eternal secret is the foundation that lies beneath what we are and what we do:  ‘Christ in you.’ When we receive Christ everything from then on is always the expression of Christ, the revelation of Jesus Christ, which brings Christ into view. Hell is dead set against the revelation of Jesus Christ and that is why the assault is so intense upon every Christian who is determined to live out of the life of Christ instead of out of their own needs and desires.” (this is a paraphrase of T Austin Sparks from the book The Centrality of Jesus Christ).
Papa, this is what I want, to make Christ known. It is what this website is all about. It helps me understand why the battle has been so fierce at times. This mystery, the secret that has been in Your heart for eternity, is that your people would KNOW that they have the Lord Jesus living WITHIN wherever they go, throughout life. The magnitude of this is beyond my grasp. Way beyond. I am asking you to give me, and those who read this, a revelation as to what this means: “Christ in me, the hope of glory!”

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