Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Furnace of Affliction

I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.  
Isaiah 48:10

Doesn't God's Word come to us like a soft rain shower,
dispelling the fury of the flames? Isn't it like fireproof
armor, against which the heat is powerless? Then let
afflictions come, for God has chosen me. Poverty, you
may walk through my door, but god is already in my
house, and He has chosen me. Sickness, you may in-
trude into my my life, but I have a cure standing ready--
God has chosen me. Whatever occurs in the valley of
tears, I know He has chosen me.

Dear Christian, do not be afraid, for Jesus walks with
you. Through all your fiery trials, His presence is both
your comfort and safety. He will never forsake those 
He has chosen for His own. 'Do not be afraid, for I am
with you,' (Gen 26:24) is His unfailing word of promise
to his chosen ones who are experiencing 'the furnace 
of affliction.' Charles H Spurgeon

Reader, many in this country are finding life hanging by
a thread. Whether it is Houston and Florida getting
deluged by wind and water, or the west which seems to
be burning up with fire and drought in so many states,
people are in danger of losing everything. God will never
forsake His own for we belong to Him. This is the bottom
line of the present and of our future.

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