Monday, September 25, 2017

Anxiety, Worry, Doubt, Fear

And which of you by being anxious can add a single 
cubit to his life's span. Matt 6:27

Anxiety, worry, doubt, and fear! The worry list presented 
by most is nearly endless and usually includes relation-
ships, personal responsibilities, children, finance, the 
future, job security, health. These are indeed things for 
which you are responsible; it is your job to see them 
through. Now imagine you can step back, and examine 
the worried, anxious you sitting in a chair. How would 
you describe yourself at your worst moments? Very likely 
you feel stupid, worthless, weak, angry, condemning and 
like a failure and a liar. As you contemplate your weakness 
and all that you must do, how do you feel? If with all your 
responsibilities  you are full of such weakness, how can 
you be filled with joyful expectation? You must perform,
but you know your limitations and so you worry over the 

Now imagine that sitting in the chair next to you is another 
person, Jesus. How would you describe Him? His eyes are 
filled with compassion. The warmth of His countenance, 
accompanied by His strength and confidence, is stirring. 
His empty hands are held open; of course there is nothing 
in them, for you have given Him nothing. Your powerful 
Lord sits there inactive, resting, waiting, doing nothing.

The weak you seated in the chair is exhausted, because in 
all your frailty you had attempted to push uphill a wheel-
barrow filled with all your cares. Within just a few short 
feet you had given up, angry that those you trust had not 
come to your aid.

The point is that the source of your anxiety and fear is trust-
ing a weak self. Do you see why you need Jesus? You were 
not created to carry all the concerns of life; you were crea-
ted to be dependent. You cannot fly, and neither can you 
carry anxiety. The only One Who can--Jesus--must carry 
the anxiety of every person. But how can He carry what He 
has not been given? Ps 46:10 is clear: "Cease striving and 
know that I am God," or literally, get your hands off. Why 
do you keep your hands on? There is only one reason: un-
belief. You cling to belief in your own ability to do a better 
job than He would. Ps 46:10 goes on to say, "I will be 
exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

"Do not be anxious then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 
'What will we drink?' or 'with what shall we clothe our-
selves?' For all these things the Gentiles eagerly seek; 
for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these 
things." Matt 6:31,32
Anxiety does not suit the disciple
Michael Wells from My Weakness for His Strength Vol 2

Reader, many of you have experienced anxiety this past
weekend over the many signs that seemed to portend His
coming. Then you realize that all the problems you hoped 
would disappear--are still with you! The verse below is
one I need to ponder in these difficult days.

Cease striving and know that I am God...

Below is the website of Abiding Life Ministry and if
you scroll down you will find a brief biography of the
author. His wife Betty is now running the ministry but
only by His strength! There are some great books to
purchase and I would recommend, Sidetracked in the 
Wilderness and My Weakness for His Strength, vol 1 & 2.

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