Tuesday, August 29, 2017


My peace I give you.  John 14:27

Two painters were once asked to paint a picture illustra
ting his own idea of rest. The first chose for his scene a
quiet, lonely lake, nestled among mountains far away.
The second, using swift broad strokes on his canvas,
painted a thundering waterfall. Beneath the falls grew
a fragile birch tree, bending over the foam. On its
branch, nearly wet with the spray, sat a robin on her nest.

The first painting was simply a picture of stagnation and
inactivity. The second, however, depicted rest.

Outwardly, Christ endured one of the most troubled lives
ever lived. Storms and turmoil, turmoil and storms--wave
after wave broke over Him until His worn body was laid
in a the tomb. Yet His inner life was as smooth as a sea
of glass, and a great calm was always there.

Anyone could have gone to Him at any time and found
rest. Even as the human bloodhounds were dogging Him
in the streets of Jerusalem, He turned to His disciples,
offering them a final legacy: 'My peace.'

Rest is not a holy feeling that comes upon us in church.
It is a state of calm rising from a heart deeply and firmly
established in God.   Henry Drummond

Reader, the whole verse above says this:
'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as
the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be
troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 14:27

The disciples were about to enter into the most troubled
period of their lives. Jesus Himself is facing His greatest
test. The world is now on the brink of great upheaval--
and we are part of it. John 14:27 is a promise from the
One who stills the waves.

Pray for the people in Houston.

1 comment:

Jane said...

I received a comment on this post but it has not been posted here. I just want to say "thank you" to anonymous who was so very kind to me. God bless you!