Tuesday, April 25, 2017

We Can Choose

...be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
Matthew 5:48

The true expression of Christian character is not in
good-doing, but in God like-ness. If the Spirit of God 
has transformed you within, you will exhibit divine 
characteristics in your life, not just good human 
characteristics. (OC)

Reader, I have skipped over this verse so often in the
past. 'IMPOSSIBLE,' cried my flesh. True, flesh can
do nothing; it will never improve. God never intended
to save our flesh. But as I read over the words of
Oswald Chambers, I realized that Jesus did live the
perfect life and He lives in me! Before the cross, no
one could live a perfect life and Jesus was setting up
an impossible situation. But after the resurrection
we have access to this perfect life and we can choose--
moment by moment to walk out of His Life.

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