Thursday, April 20, 2017

Overwhelming Burdens

Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain
you.  Psalm 55:22

If we will only roll back on God the burdens He has 
placed upon us, He will take away that immense 
feeling of responsibility, 
replacing it with an awareness and understanding
of HIMSELF and His presence. (OC)

Reader, there is a Mom who has a nine month old Lucy
who has just been diagnosed with a cancerous tumor
on her kidney, that is pressing on the aorta. Such a
tremendous burden on this Mama, Dad and an under
three sister. Please pray that they may have an
awareness and understanding of the lovely Lord Jesus
and a sense of His presence. May this little one nestle
into the chest of the Father during all the procedures.
May God send healing from above.

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