Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Set Your Mind

If you have been raised up with Christ, KEEP
SEEKING the things above, where Christ is 
seated at the right hand of God. SET your mind 
(your heart) on things above, not on the things 
on earth. (Col 3:1,2)

'Set your mind on things above, not on things on
earth.' Last night those words kept going through
my mind as I slept. I remember thinking that I
could use the word, 'fix.' I woke up feeling that I
had not slept well!

My Bible uses, 'Be intent on,' as a definition of
'set.'The dictionary says, 'To fix the attention on.'

Paul says that IF you have been raised up--past 
tense--with Christ (Col 2:12) then focus your 
attention on things above, not on earth. 'For 
you have died and your life is hidden with Christ 
in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, 
then you also will be revealed with Him in glory
(Col 3:3,4)

Reader, not a day goes by that we don't read about
something untoward happening. If we are not careful,
we will find ourselves setting our minds on the bad
thing that is going to happen next. Our Lord wants
us to think about how He died for us so that we could
spend all of eternity in His presence. His resurrection
was 2,000 years ago and the day of His coming to
take us home to heaven is close at hand. Be alert,
be ready, be watchful. Keep looking up! Your Groom
is coming!

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