Saturday, March 18, 2017

Out of Egypt

As you may have guessed, I have been searching the
scriptures for many years as to end time events and
the coming of our Lord. My journey began as a seven
year old who heard about the rapture but was afraid
she would be over looked and left behind! This event
was very much on the minds of Christians in the 60's
and 70's, but disappointment in some predictions
and the rise of differing views including whether
prophecies have been fulfilled in 70AD or are still
in play, have caused many in the church to throw up
their hands and let the theologians figure it out. But,
end time events, eschatology, is not being preached
in our churches. The amazing thing is that the events
coming in the seven year Tribulation period (Rev 4-20)
are all ready appearing in the daily news and the
foundation for the fulfillment of these prophecies is
being laid right now. We are rapidly being brought into
a One World Government, where all nations will end
up submitting to one man--the anti-christ. The cry for
'peace and safety' is currently a very popular theme.

"For when they say, Peace and safety; then sudden 
destruction cometh upon them...and they shall not 
escape. (1 Thes 5:3)

It is for this reason that I have brought Daniel Valles
into my blog. Of all the video sites discussing end time
events, he is the best at finding a coalescence between
scripture, the heavens, movies, also in the messaging of
the enemy to their followers. They are ready for their
King to come on the scene to bring back the 'golden age'
before Noah's flood, and the time after this, the Tower
of Babel. Satan knows that when the church leaves in
the Rapture that he will only have seven years left before
our Lord takes over as King and reigns 1,000 years here
on earth.

We are living in a very exciting time where things are
happening at warp speed. I would encourage you to take
the time this weekend to watch the two parts entitled
"Out of Egypt."

Part One

Part Two

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