Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Blood, Sweat and Tears

“Silent Night, Holy Night,
All is calm…”

Well, our Savior was born like any baby is born. But wait! His teenage Mom
was away from her family and with a man she had only recently married. She 
was in labor. Do you think that it was a supernatural birth just because it was 
a supernatural beginning? No, for out of her came groans, tears, blood, sweat, 
torn flesh, then the cutting of the cord. She bore the brunt of the pain, but Joseph 
suffered as he was in a  place he had never been before either. And what about 
the baby? His body had to conform to the birth canal. Jesus was born into our 
world to parents who had never had a course in childbirth or childraising! 
The whole scene seems doomed to failure. And yet, and yet…

“God became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have beheld his glory.” 

Dear Reader, linger awhile and ponder this. It will blow your mind!

Check out the website:

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